Sunday, November 2, 2008

FW: Dance Sweat Drinks Pants

From: reed griffith []
Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2008 9:32 PM
To:;;;; merchi cedek; rob johnson; tony rich
Subject: Dance Sweat Drinks Pants

All the Above Guaranteed to be to be the new healthy standard!!

Come out and change your life! ha ha

The party is this Saturday night, Nov. 8th

at Sticky Rice on H St. in NE.

Hit me up if you want more info about

the venue.

DJ Cam Jus and I will be playing

Bmore club, hip hop, house,

dancehall and dope selection

for the dancefloor. Cam Jus

is also thowing a party,

Other Side, this Thursday at

Napoleon in Adams Morgan

with DJ Underdog.

Hope to see you there this Saturday!!!

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